
Results for: Crowdfunding

Hi, I used to manage a non-profit organization - the process is challenging but it is possible. I'd be happy to advise. First stop: try get a Google Grant for Google Adwords - it will help you a lot to promote your business. Good luck


You can do this on your own, or you could find an organization that will help you. is one place you could try for getting funding if you want to do this all on your own, Good luck


I'd need to understand a bit more about your business, but I suspect one answer is to work toward getting an accounts receivable-based credit line. Amazon is a good company that pays it's bills. Lenders will either loan against the Amazon receivables or buy them from you at a discount. This ap...


We have used successfully for two rounds of financing both oversubscribed. Here is what I can tell you. Basic info:'s platform connects accredited investors to startups seeking investment capital. Startups have a public facing profile that includes general information ...


Typically, establishing milestones and the credibility you can accomplish them is what enables an investment. People want to know what you are going to accomplish with their money. I find it's usefule to report your progress toward milestones and as well as any new information that would be usef...


Hello, As I see it, you need to develop a business strategy for the season by taking advantage of your the resources you already have. Obtaining additional funds will help you to alleviate your financial constraints, but from what you have told this doesn't appear to be the most attainable solut...


Since no one has actually answered your question, let me try and give you some specific guidance: The "fair" range would probably land between $5m-$15m pre-money. For the low-end ($5-6m) to be fair, you'd be in a tiny (measured by total addressable market) with slow growth on that $2m as mea...


I'm definitely not an attorney, but have worked with several (many dozens) startups who have gone through the seed, angel and venture funding processes. The first step to consider is whether you are financing your investment as debt or equity. If you're talking about interest, you could be refe...


Hi, Platform Target: High Priority - Web Medium Priority- Android Low Priority - Apple, Windows ------------------------------------------- Medical Portal is very sensitive business, for that purpose the interaction of the user and understanding of the graphical presentation need to set on singl...


It's not foolish, but it's going to be extremely hard to pull it off. I would consider starting with a beta program so you can have some paid clients to pay for the company's expenses. After you have some traction, you can raise a seed round.


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