
Results for: Customer Acquisition

It's difficult to provide you any real advice without knowing anything about your service/product, or what a 'signup' means (is it a free version of your product, a signup to your mailing list or something else) but generally speaking it can be any of the following reasons: 1) People sign up to ...


1. First you need to establish who you are. Your identity. Then you need to create identity for cookies that you are making. What makes them so special? Is there something really different about them? Is it your grandmothers recipe that uses X and Y ingredients? 2. People need to know who you ar...


Membership sites are a pain in the ass. Let me start there. I've had dozens of clients start membership sites, and the only ones who've kept it alive had huge audiences to begin with. The problem is that a membership site has two things to offer: exclusive information and community. Exclusi...


hello nice question ,my advice is to visit your area developers and contact to marketing or sales department and check their website or social media handle what kind of video they are posting and according to that you can check what kind of video and tools they are missing to reach audience and y...


I've lead the marketing team for 3 VC funded startups that all successfully acquired customers en mass, but along the way I've certainly observed a fair share of startups that failed due to inability to acquire customers fast enough. Here are some common reasons startups fail: 1. They incorrectl...


Some suggestions: 1) Create a Google Adwords campaign 2) Create a Facebook campaign. Facebook campaign setup page gives you a great hack to estimate the market size based on interests and demographics. 3) Apply SEO (search engine optimization) tactics, such as: a) Highlighting key words on your ...


Perhaps, rather than focusing on acquiring new customers in new areas, you ought to evaluate first what additional services your existing clientele pays (or might pay) others to perform. If they come to you for writing but then go searching for something else, then perhaps you could efficiently ...


As an introvert that had to overcome my resistance towards sales outreach, I can imagine how daunting it can be. Contrary to popular belief, from my experience I've seen introverts become the best sales professionals. As you may know, introverts are often very good at focusing on their strengths...


You can call anyone for advice / feedback on Clarity, you're just not allowed to pitch. So technically we support it today and many people already do this. It's call Customer Development.


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