
Results for: Customer Development

It depends on what your end goals are. If you are going at it alone, this, or any other service should suffice. If you are also thinking of implementing a custom process and your company will have "secret sauce", you are probably better off developing your own solution. A few points to consider:...


I owned an SMB in the health & fitness space and spent several years running a SaaS/PaaS startup in the business productivity space. There are lots of WP developers out there, I'd start by looking at elance. Have you done mockups so the developer can accurately quote the work? It's worth a lit...


Apart from what you want, when choosing a white label website builder, cost will be a crucial deciding factor. Find a reseller program that matches your cost expectations but do not settle for anything less in terms of quality. As a designer, you will probably have adopted a particular style for ...


Since cashflow is an issue, here's my advice: * Get the rewards from someone else. * There's no need for you to pay for these perks. Find partners in complimentary fields, and approach them with the offer that you will connect them with your buyers list (a very valuable thing) in exchange for t...


I've attended this class in-person and the video version of Michael Dearing's class on pricing is great. You can see it here: If you haven't already done so, I'd carefully study the effectiveness and uptake of "premium" services already offered by...


Pre-orders are always great for testing demand, eliciting end-user feedback and even generating a little revenue! You just have to be sure that you can fulfill whatever product or service the customer is paying for, beta or otherwise. Relative to b2b vs. b2c, I can't really speak to that based on...


Speak at Co-Work offices + Tech Meetups + Tech Conferences. Give 100 talks (easier than you think) + monitor your App usages every 10 talks. If people flock to your App, then just keep giving talks. If they don't, then either your App requires retooling or your messaging/explanation requires r...


It sounds like you just have a simple sales issue, and thankfully a high quality product :) The solution is simple, and you seem to have realized it already: you need to reduce the friction in your location for getting customers into your "front door" and providing them with (what I'm assuming)...


Hey, 1. If your product/software requires above 50 hours of programming then you don't need to worry about anyone 'stealing' your idea. This rarely happens. 2. Ideas are a dime a dozen. The difficult part is the execution (and marketing). 3. If your product/service can be created in a number o...


A whole lot more data is needed before anyone can answer this question. "Some people want it"...have you identified a target market? Are there similarities in these people? How many? Did they tell you what they'd pay for it? Why didn't they pay you for it already (before you wonder about this, p...


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