I would be happy to discuss this with you. Are you looking for a prototype or a full blown product? I specialize in development, and product planning. Please feel free to get in touch.
Well you should store it in a database, most probably an SQL based database. MySQL is a fine start, free and easy to set up. But, you had best start thinking about security issues, especially if you are planning on storing credit card and other personal information. Hackers go right through the ...
https://www.filepicker.io/ is the best thing that you can integrate with this app which suits your requirement. If you are the owner of the app, you can integrate it very quickly. If not, you can suggest the app owner to do it Feel free to call me if you need more clarification. I am consulting...
Face to Face will always be better. The reason is because to get to the root of an issue or to what really drives a person, you need to ask WHY 5 times. Only then you can offer a solution that will be irresistible to your prospects. Let's try with an email survey. 1. What is your biggest strug...
All successful sales come from the customer realizing that something of great value is being provided. Therefore, to be an entrepreneur, a person should be searching for something that many people will assess as having great value. In other words, look for something you can design once, and sell ...
I'm answering with the assumption that you are going to deploy this B2B rather than B2C. Developing traction before the fact for business or enterprise solutions can be tough - you can't presell them in the way that you can with a widget, you can't drive masses of consumer traffic to them to t...
It’s an interesting concept and the next step is to qualify it further with some market research. Where will you find your potential customers for services? My initial assumption would be in a relatively dense urban setting where people want to commute to work or school by biking, or otherwise ...
You should make the name that the donor sees on their credit card match the brand name as close as possible. Structurally though, your npo should be collecting the money directly. Having built Canada's first - and at the time it was operational - largest crowdfunding platform for charities, I'd...
Chartmogul is the best one I've found. There are many great ones though. You can even use open source analytics software to build your own.