
Results for: Customer validation

Face to Face will always be better. The reason is because to get to the root of an issue or to what really drives a person, you need to ask WHY 5 times. Only then you can offer a solution that will be irresistible to your prospects. Let's try with an email survey. 1. What is your biggest strug...


Yes, it is possible. These are called Information Interviews. The key to keep in mind here is that some people are going to be happy to talk with you, and a few are not. Don't take the few personally: they don't want to talk to anybody. If you want a fast turnaround, call; if you can wait, send...


If you are really thinking about building your product you should first do the alpha and beta. There is a strong community of tech people on Hacker News, ProductHunt and Reddit that will support your idea and even pay in advance if you can show a demo first. Give you an example: Dropbox. Drew (C...


No one, including experts like myself, can really tell you if an idea is viable. The only way to really know is to validate the idea in the market. Look at my full answer on how to do this here: I've successfully helped over 300 en...


Validation and monetization - two great questions. See some great tips on how to do validation in this answer: (happy to help you plan your specific validation process) Regarding monetization - the most suitable business models in t...


You should be so lucky that someone will steal your idea. The truth is that its all about execution and not ideas. Facebook wasn't the first social network, they just executed better. Same for Instagram, Yammer and Airbnb - all Billion dollar companies built in public.


To validate your idea you need to show interest from potential students. To do that you need to show them something to be interested in. However, a teacher isn't going to go out of their way to create content for a site with no students waiting. To get around this issue, I would start off by ge...


Here's what I would do. Find and vet one good specialist. Perhaps for just one of the platforms. Have them at the ready and tell they they'll be paid per job. Validation comes when someone hands over their money for your service. I'd then share and promote the service everywhere I could. I would ...


Hi, I've worked for years in business to business sales and consulting. You need to find out who works or makes decisions in a company in the area that your potential product could be useful, ie customer service. LinkedIn could be useful for this. Call them on the telephone. Don't e-mail. Open...


First, perhaps you're overreaching. Do you have proof of concept or not? If you don't then you need to work your way up the ladder. Try dropping your target 2 levels down at first, and as you build up a roster of "wins" start to set your sights on higher and higher levels of business. If 2 lev...


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