
Results for: DJ

You've received good advice. I'd just add one thing. We recently interviewed dozens of developers. After narrowing it down to a handful of individuals that had personalities and resumes we liked, we paid a developer friend of ours a few hundred bucks to interview the developers and thoroughly vet...


Since the 'follow' link was so abused by spammers for ranking purposes, Google has really increased pressure on sites that have excessive 'follow' links. The 'nofollow' is still a great marketing tool. You should still be commenting, sharing your links, and getting your name/brand out there for ...


You get the bravery to do the thing by doing the thing. Stop being in analysis paralysis and just get on with it. You build a business one step at a time, one action at a time. Just get on with it. Stop worrying about whether it will be profitable or not. You either want the thing or you don't...


hi what I did was to get some information beforehand starting my businesses. It helps avoiding the most common errors. you also want to have a good plan what and how to start your business. so there may be information and study neccessary. you also want make sure to have data on if there is a nic...


Hi, I have many assistants in Eastearn Europe and Philippines. We pay using Skrill, to get around paypal. I think Moneybookers also works in Bangladesh


You have to be careful on selecting your co-founder. I know it's an already cliché to mention it, but selecting one is like selecting a spouse to marry. You need to know the person first, and even some investors and accelerators dismiss automatically startups because the founders didn't meet be...


Start with your needs. Do you need a subscription service, or just the ability for people to pay one-off? Do you need fast and easy, or robust and integrated into an uncommon business accounting software? Is the product digital download or a physical product you're shipping out of a warehouse/...


This is a very important issue. Vesting and commitment should be decided upfront and in consensus. While I could tell you my experiences with founders, I would encourage you to first read this two posts on vesting: http://www.naffzig...


It is very important; security, backup, maintenance etc... The problem is there are two kinds of customers, cheap and cautious. Cheap only wants to pay $12 a month.. and does not understand or want to understand that not having maintenance is a bad idea. The cautious ones pay anywhere from $50 to...


As you may know, we acquired Clarity recently and have done numerous acquisitions at so we spend a lot of time thinking about this. I've also personally been acquired a few times so I've been on both sides. With that said I think the earlier comment about how much value you can brin...


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