Based on my experience, the biggest challenge is getting the right talent that can pull off a quality work, I have done this by sending out small tasks to different developers and evaluate their works after. (But I guess this isn't your issue since you have 4 yours experience of working together...
It sounds like you just have a simple sales issue, and thankfully a high quality product :) The solution is simple, and you seem to have realized it already: you need to reduce the friction in your location for getting customers into your "front door" and providing them with (what I'm assuming)...
The best technology is whatever gets you up and running the quickest. You'll throw away the first iteration (and possibly the second and third...) anyway. What you need most in the beginning is to test your idea and get feedback, and you need it fast.
Here are some things you should read to start making yourself an idea about it: Also you sho...
If you're looking for another crowdfunding platform, Indiegogo has the second best platform and user base, after Kickstarter.
class MyViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate { let tableView = UITableView() override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Set the table view's frame tableView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: view.frame.width, hei...
As a consumer, I'm a big fan of disintermediation as a business model. I can buy a mattress for under $1000 that would have cost 3-5x that because of companies like Casper and Leesa. I'm not paying for a bloated, unnecessary supply chain to get it to me. MLM introduces more hungry mouths to feed...
- Define the appropriate market you're targetting - List major producers and consumers by geography and key products. - Visit their websites to get more informantion. - You can buy reports from consulting platforms which are expensive. - Or contact an expert via like me via clarity for calls or i...
Are you looking to build a volunteer test group or get professional feedback on the actions of your beta testers?
Wordpress is widely enough used that you can do almost anything with it! You can manage others sites in terms of cheap hosting and managing their backend; manage Wordpress security; Wordpress specific consulting; create plugins that generate revenue; give talks on Wordpress; the list goes on and ...