This is an incredibly convoluted scenario that I would suggest is likely not worth the trouble. Let's first start with the equity. Let's assume that the current value of the domain you wish to acquire is $40,000. They want $20,000 and 2% of your company. For the example's sake, let's also ass...
It takes time for search engines to properly index your websites. Changing the entire website within a 3 month timespan will impact your SEO for sure. Search engines love it when websites are easily identifiable. If your site looks like it's going through a mid-life crisis, it's not going to rank...
Personally I'd: - Crawl the existing site - save to Excel - Run a search in Google for: Then export the list (use Chrome SEO quake extension) and add to Excel Put both lists into 1 Excel file & de-duplicate. Next, get the sitemap of your new site, so you have all the URLs. T...
A ".com" is a much better long term solution because Google and people generally recognize that as more authoritative/ trustworthy. The best way to change a ".co" over to a ".com", is by creating a "301 redirect" for EACH PAGE and keep everything else the exact same until Google indexes the new v...
If you'd like to talk to a professional namer, there are several of us on However, we generally charge for brainstorming, research, and consultation. Typically, a full service naming initiative takes days or weeks rather than minutes. That said, I have found calls do pro...
"What type of car should I buy?" As you can imagine, the answer to this question is highly dependent upon a number of factors. Similarly, you're asking some very specific questions. I anticipate that a number of experts here would love to help you with answering with specific questions -- but t...
Yes. Hopefully you already own these domain names before publishing them like this but here's my 2 cents: is pretty solid out of those options. All things being equal a .com is going to give you the edge in terms of credibility and many would argue SEO. it does give you some mino...
Yes. That is the whole purpose of the USPTO filing system. Whoever is first to file gets the mark. There is common law usage which they could argue but first to file is generally upheld.
(1)What kind of questions are my prospects asking right before making a buying decisions? (2) what problems and frustrations are my prospects currently dealing with that " my thing " can solve? (3)has anyone ever experienced something awful because they did not have " your thing? (4) has anyone e...