Studying customer experience is fascinating, and one of my favorite parts of my work as a customer service strategist. Zappos is one of my favorite examples of incredible customer service. They regularly upgrade orders to overnight shipping and they allow you to return shoes even after you've w...
OpenERP and Zoho are both fragmented modular systems that can be very confusing. Without knowing your industry and complete set of needs, have you considered NetSuite, Sage, MS Dynamics, Aptean or Epicor? Aside from feature sets, implementation and ongoing support and training are critical elem...
In my experience, every step you take to complicate your company's structure and ownership rights reduces the likelihood of investors providing your venture with seed funding. To attract seed funding, investors expect a single-minded laser focus on the entrepreneurs' assessment of his or her bes...
One thing I like about your question is the fact that you're ASKING it. Trying to quantify profit. Most people never even get that far. They treat profit--especially if it is that of their own business--as some ethereal thing they will "get later" if possible. "To manage we must measure" is a ...
To much to write here, but I'll try to name few: - NAME - easy to remember, good domain, suggestive accordingly with your intentions. - UI/UX - to be attractive and same time simple but functional, adaptive and responsive to user's needs. - CLARITY - in this way the users to understood in few cli...
Yes it is possible. It is not uncommon for an LLC to have a managing member that owns a nominal interest of 1% while the remainder of the LLC units are owned by limited members that do not have management authority or actively participate in the operations of the company. If the LLC member is a...
No, I think outsourcing this is at worst dangerous and at best lazy. Furthermore, unless this is highly focused on a type of user, I wouldn't trust that you could build user panels that were really of my potential customers. And therein lies the rub. Without real customers, it's impact and val...
I have to ask: Did you already develop your product? The best advice, which I love, is from Seth Godin. He said something along the lines of "Don't find customers for your product, find products for your customers." Always start with a customer you want to be in service to, and look to solve the...
If you are early stage then you need two things: an accountant and accounting software. When it comes to finding an accountant, find someone who understands your area of business. Most firms will meet once or twice to get a feel for your needs. In my experience, good accountants will tell you ou...
What I would offer to you is this piece of advice. First, don't rush to start a business. When you are "tired" after having been in a certain job or certain industry or anything actually, the first thing to do is to take a break. You can't be objective or clear right after you exit somethi...