Congratulations - you're in a very enviable position compared to many startups - you already have an audience. I would recommend that you open a dialog with your readers - it doesn't have to be obvious (it can be), but you should include them in the decision, and find out what they want. You ...
I have provided digital marketing and e-commerce advice to clients here in the US as well as Dubai and South Asia. My understanding of your challenge is creating a social network that would rival LinkedIN on a more local level. The solution to a successful network is always an engaged user base, ...
You need to Look At Allstate's Contract that is a question for them a business can own a business look at Terminix they own 23 other companys
No, unlikely any customers will trust you with their money. Better to get a worker job, go back to college or grad school, and/or learn a trade, where your conviction will not matter.
Hi, I was once in such an environment. The company had an interesting way of dealing with the slowdown... they sold vacation time. Here's how it worked (and it may only help you in 2019) If you know you don't need a full complement of staff in the last weeks of the year, offer your employees ...
Congratulations on your new opportunity. For any business strategy to work, you must have the following: - A clear, articulable mission or objective - Buy-in from the entire group - Ownership from each member of the group - A system to measure the success of the strategy - A well-defined custom...
I have done this into enterprise but I would say this advice also follows for B2C. It is hard, slow but very interesting. I would suggest a couple of things: (1) there are so many “experts” on social media to follow and get up to speed. Use this to build a casual network, ask questions on the ...
Absolutely, now more than never! If you take aside the psychological factors (motivation, strong desire, etc.), business success in general is dependent on 2 key variables : money and time (*not* experience). You cannot start a business with no money and no time. But if you have either of the t...
Micah, I am usually the "biz dev" guy for many startups and founding teams. I have also hired people in this area. One thing that would be helpful to bring up would be to understand where biz dev guys hangout. Generally, the best places to find individuals are within your ecosystems network. Th...
Separate patents required to be filed for each country where the protection is required. It is something with which the business esteem is connected. Insuring the intellectual property is also a common norm since it is an asset. One of the quintessential business components is to have IP protecti...