Hi there i found a very extensive article where you can order UPC barcodes from Amazon http://www.cpcstrategy.com/blog/2016/07/amazon-upc-codes-101/
Move quickly and build a brand. Leave them a step behind trying to copy you while you define the market.
If you’re interested in buying an e-commerce business successfully you need a lawyer that is experienced in M&A both in the deal size and the e-commerce space. You should then look to follow some best practices from other successful deals. My advice first and foremost would be to identify lawyer...
Yes, you can. However, the success is highly depended on the information architecture. You need to plan in creating and arranging the categories & subcategories in such a way that it gives the best user experience. You can also cloud powered instant search tools like Algolia to make the product f...
To open an e-commerce unit you need to select your product first, before selecting the country. Then, if you have made up your mind up that India is where you are going to import from, then you will need to figure out where you are importing to. If you are importing to the United States, then you...
Hi, I'm Stephanie and I've helped people like you for over two decades. ALWAYS register, trademark, copyright, etc. your brand as well as your real full name. One of the clients I worked with literally became famous overnight after a national TV appearance, and someone dishonest had bought her ...
There are a number of ways you could go with this: Cost+: Close to what you are suggesting: Calculate your hourly cost, add a profit. Then define your projects with your client, and estimate number of hours of work. That would be your price - like craftspeople do it. The pro for this approach is...
Expertise: I currently run a high performing referral channel with several million invites every year. As you build out your growth strategy it’s important to identify the main “macro” conversion. This is an action that you need users to take to make the product successful. In your case, the pr...
First of all I want to clarify one thing on your question that I believe it's not accurate: SaaS is a way to deliver technology (products) not a business model. The counter part of SaaS is on-premise or legacy, which is not a business model but how you deliver your product. For example, Salesfor...