
Results for: E-commerce Optimization

I recommend having your brand on the social selling app Poshmark. On there you focus on fast delivery and really nice packaging for a pleasant experience for the buyer, and rack up 5-star reviews and sales traction and revenue. This is a great way to expand your network as a seller and learn the ...


The cost of SEO depends a great deal on three things: 1) The specific services being offered (SEO, social media, content strategy, etc.) 2) The degree in which those services will be implemented (how many hours per month) 3) the skill and experience level of the SEOs involved. $800/month is a...


We work with one of the big cruise sites in the UK and it's all about making the site deserve to rank higher by continually improving the site via design & content. Google wants to rank popular sites so you need to (as Simon points out) figure out ways of getting influential sites to talk about y...


Probably not. Most carousels these days are javascript-driven. Therefore the source code for those products exists on the page (and is therefore easily viewed by Google et al). The javascript moves items around the *screen* but it does not modify the *source.* And it's the source code that matte...


Obviously I don't know your situation but you might be running across an issue with expecting one person to do the job of many. There are so many aspects to SEO that its near impossible for one person to be an expert in every area. Content, social media, on-page optimization, user experience opti...


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