I hate to be "that guy," but I'm gonna say, "it depends." What I mean by this is it is highly subjective to the market you are in and the target you're going after. However, with that being said, let me share a few of my favorite growth-hacky-type ideas that you might want to consider using to g...
I would use social. Since you know your potential users are spending a lot of time on their mobile devices and you need to get them to pay attention to their computer, I would market to them through social. Target the social channels that your target market would be frequenting. Don't be afraid t...
Hello, great question here. First of all you should understand that there is no 1 way and depending on who your audience is and what you sell the answer will definitely vary. A short answer however would be - engagement. Forget about likes and follows and shares are engagement, if you want to ...
As a general rule, you want to be offering the loans brokering just at the point where business buyers are looking for them. At what stage would that be? Just after they have written a business plan? When they're ready to expand their business? Supposing it was the business plan stage. You coul...
Use the "audience" feature on facebook and import all of your emails. Facebook will match them so that you can ran ads to promote your new startup or service to whoever has a fb profile with that email. Happy to help if you need more info
Why don't you do a design hack rather than change. Add in the image of the actual report they get to get people excited. Also add it to your sidebar of the site and have your right side pop up show up further down.
I've worked with several companies marketing products ranging from $10 ebooks to $1,000+ products, and they've all had success using a relatively simple formula: 1. MAKE PEOPLE'S LIVES BETTER. Everyone gets too much email, so if you're going to put another message in someone's inbox, it had bet...
The best methods would be to: 1. Improve your target customers (the people who are receiving your emails) - and not just mass mailing. 2. Personalize the email by using new technologies that adapt each email to the user - and not just by adding "Dear [name of user]. Here's a link to one of the l...
Hi, My name is Erik Hanley and I'm a Call Center Expert and Senior Analyst Programmer with more that 15 years of experience. If you need help to set up a call center/PBX phone app, you need to evaluate your needs and budget and then look for the telecom providers. Using VOIP providers Vs traditi...
I've found that with the saturation of retail on social media sites in general, the best way to make a sale is to target the right people who are already looking for what you offer... For you: I'd recommend using highly targeted Facebook Ads (Target by age & gender plus any other things you know...