I had someone recently come to me over this same issue & i helped them tackle this problem ,There are alot of reasons that can make on annoyed or irritated in the day to day activities of a business . There are issues of competences and the need to recruit the right management, the financial m...
https://universalcreditbureau.com/ like this web site can show details
Hi, I have helped many startups and it is true that you should research an idea - well done for this - not everyone does it or does it well enough. Do you start with the problem you are trying to solve (or pain or need or desire)? It depends of course if you are looking at B2C or B2B solutions ...
I started my last company and grew it with $20,000 to $12 million in 10 years. And while I was in the early phases, I did put in on my resume.. So, I believe you should. If it is a registered business entity and you are working it, it is still what you are doing, regardless of revenue of the c...
Your question is clear and understandable, but you either need to pay for the services, or give away equity - talented and trustworthy people won't work for free - nor should they. The only question that remains is how can you develop the platform while paying less or giving away less equity. A...
I would find talent on UpWork. If you post one job and include your Skype or Email the response will be overwhelming. I am not sure you are going to want some high quality candidates -- I'd create a Google Form with a series of questions to properly vet the candidates coming through. You can then...
This question leads me to believe there are a limited number of people in the company. With that said, and I mean this sincerely; why do you need a title? If you are a key person in an early stage start-up what will the title do for you? Will it pigeon hole you into a specific role or skill set w...
You use the title co-founder, which indicates a partnership and mandates that the tech hire (I'm assuming is the CTO) be provided with the perks and benefits of other co-founders. If you are using the term co-founder loosely and there is no formal co-founder designation in place, then wait 6 mont...
What are some of the things users are saying that show you it's hard for them to understand the system? Do you have any consistency in areas where people are having trouble? Are you using any tools to track conversion rates through your funnel, and have those metrics gotten worse since your redes...
The ideal way would be to hire the engineer while the project is still under development. You and the engineer should follow up with the outsourced partner in the process. This will give hold to the engineer and later more staff can be trained in upgrading or follow on versions of the product/ser...