Conversion at the page level is often impacted by who is showing up - and could be indicative of a mismatch between the ads you are running, the audience they attract, and the messaging on the landing page on arrival. You're also asking for both a phone number and an email address - while offeri...
Ask your parents. I know that sounds glib, but honestly in today's rich technology access landscape you should be able to build a prototype of anything for free or at least under $50. In many cases you don't even need to know how to code. Here are some examples: SiteGround - Wordpress hosting p...
Hello. My experience showed me that it is definitely not easy to get money from a bank especially in the early stages. It really depends on what type of business you are starting. Banks would usually look for risk management in the form of assets you own in case the business doesn't progress as...
I've lead the marketing team for 3 VC funded startups that all successfully acquired customers en mass, but along the way I've certainly observed a fair share of startups that failed due to inability to acquire customers fast enough. Here are some common reasons startups fail: 1. They incorrectl...
Hi, I have helped many startups and it is true that you should research an idea - well done for this - not everyone does it or does it well enough. Do you start with the problem you are trying to solve (or pain or need or desire)? It depends of course if you are looking at B2C or B2B solutions ...
Two key issues in your question: (1) when you say "majority are making millions" you're not seeing the hundreds of startups that failed in the same space... (2) if it's such a great idea, you should have traction. CHALLENGE: Adding photos to menus is tricky... Good pics are very expensive, an...
I think that the answer is dependent on the level of technical talent that is already on-board. If you have an engineering focused squad, you can get away with rudimentary understanding. To your description a "non-technical CEO" is just that. Of course, whenever there is a gap in the team, it is ...
Why on earth do you need a CTO for that job description? If the product is done, funds aren't likely an issue and you don't need a team to pitch @ pitch competitions if you functional and presumably decent product. Sounds like you need a product guy which you could easily hire who could network ...
Not exactly sure what you mean. Typically you get an exit either because the company in which you invested is acquired or it goes public (there are other options, but those are the normal ones). Angel investors usually consider the acquisition potential when making an investment. If there are a l...
Hi: It can be tough to focus on a market niche at first, especially when you believe in your solution. Yet your best results will come from focus--and you can expand later. Key considerations for you as you make your choice: * Where have you gotten the most customer validation for your platform? ...