
Results for: Employee Engagement

How many people are you looking to roll this out to? I would caution against trying to automate what should be handled in person during the early days of your business. Talk to people. If they don't feel like you care (because you're automating the process), they won't give you valuable feedback.


Hi, I am the MD of a $100m Technology company who operated a share incentive program until we were acquired by a Private Equity company in 2019. This is all very much dependent on the value different people take to the table and who currently owns the equity. It is common for Management teams...


Check out Pick location, market & role. There you can see equity given + salary. There's a caveat though, if this is you first developer and he/she is going to be essential to your growth maybe you should consider him/her as a cofounder. Any tech business needs a tech ...


One thing you can not do (should not even attempt to do) is to change the market's demand for a service or product. It is what it is. The best strategy is to adapt. So I would approach your situation by asking the following question: What is in demand, needed, frequently used etc by the people (...


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