
Results for: Employment Law

Well, I think 🤔 it would be proper to discuss the matter with your supervisor first if you have the courage, this is because He/She might not understand you are getting hurt. If that fails, report to your HR or employer, it should be a second line of action. Consider seeking help also from your t...


It's understandable that you may feel uncomfortable sharing your IRA investment statement, as it is a private financial document. However, if your agent is requesting it as part of the application process, you may need to weigh the importance of getting your application approved against your conc...


When I do this I use or another similar marketplace. They handle all the logistics and payments through escrow. I've been doing this for years if you want to have a call about it. I have workers all over the world doing different pieces of my businesses and it's quite effective.


Several follow up questions: 1. Do you have any sort of employment agreement now? 2. Did you disclose early on that you were working on this side project? 3. What state are you in? 4. Have you taken steps to protect the proprietary info to date--such as using an NDA? 5. Does anyone else within th...


Consult a tax accountant; I am not an accountant or an attorney and this is not "professional advice." I do have to ask a question about the wording here. Are these partners as in shareholders of the business, or are they working for it? That will make a difference in how you go about paying the...


Likely you best rethink this. You've already used the work "employees", so you've already proved your workers aren't 1099 contractors. The rules a person must meet to be a 1099 contractor. 1) They have no supervision. 2) They have no set hours. For example, I have a 1099 contractor who runs ...


That is a LOUSY return. You'd be better off putting the money in a savings account in the bank. I do not know your industry well, but in mine (Marketing Agency) I aim for a net profit of 15% after paying corporate taxes, wages and all overheads.


The tax law often depends on the country in which you reside, regardless of the country from which you operate, except corporate and institutional taxes, as they are subject to the country’s taxes, regardless of the country in which their owners reside


Well, let me start by saying this. You may need to change some policies upon your companies behalf in order for them to actually obey and follow through with upholding the new law in CA. If you could provide further detail to as of what exactly the new law is, and how it complies with your contra...


Hello, I can help out with advice on the technical aspects. Not sure what low-mid budget means for you, but I can tell right off the bat that something like SAP or Salesforce will be overkill. At the base of your tech stack will be the eCommerce platform - i.e. the website - and your back-offi...


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