
Results for: Entrepreneur

I think they're great if you're using them for specific purposes. I find working at home almost too easy and it takes a long time for me to really get into "work mode" vs having a space somewhere I start switching gears on the way there and then feel more productive right from jump.' Benefits: M...


Fantastic question! First, a little about me and why I am qualified to answer. My father served 19 years of a 20 year sentence in prison where he passed and I had challenging background. I never met my birth mother and met my birth father at the age of 18. I've been on my own since I was 16 an...


So much depends on the internet that any up-and-coming entrepreneur would be wise to study some programming and web / app design. Even if that's not your intended major and not what you'll be doing professionally one day, knowing how to code – if only in a very sketchy way – opens up a lot of do...


1. No one can predict the future. So just let it rip. Try this thought exercise: what's the ABSOLUTE WORST THING that could happen? If your app spectacularly fails, then what? Chances are it's not much: you're out the time you invested, and maybe a little embarrassed, but life goes on and you try...


The answer is what you do best! I have seen from programmer to UIX Engineer to Marketing or someone who dont know any of this managing App Developing Team. As any other business knowing HR and having clear vision and understanding of the industry is most important. In generally a Mobile App Star...


I have bad news: If friends and family are no longer able to provide funding and you have raised $10,000 or more without having developed a website, then you have close to zero chance of attracting angel investors. Whatever money they have invested is essentially funding a learning lesson aroun...


More of a political answer than anything to be honest. Laws are created by politicians, politicians make their decisions based on lobbyists & public opinion. Lobbyists and public opinion can both be bought. One person only has one vote, a company can persuade millions of votes. Imagine what wou...


Typically, establishing milestones and the credibility you can accomplish them is what enables an investment. People want to know what you are going to accomplish with their money. I find it's usefule to report your progress toward milestones and as well as any new information that would be usef...


- Peter Thiel was crucial for Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) - Ray Chambers for Jack Dorsey (Twitter) - Ken Allard and investors Ben Horowitz for Dennis Crowley (Foursquare) - Paul Graham and Partovi Brothersfor Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi (Dropbox founders) - Adam D'Angelo for Kevin Systrom (I...


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