Spend zero time worrying about building your personal brand. Spend all your time focused on achieving your goals building your business. Simply put, the best way to build your brand is to achieve success. Let others evangelize you, whether it be investors impressed with your growth, customers ...
I don't know about 100, but my very first three clients came through thought leadership articles. I believe that referrals and SEO kicked in after that for a good mix of sources.
Unlike most answers on Clarity, where the experts share their grizzled, hard-earned experience, and seek to guide others to success... I'm not sure there are many of us with the experience to guide or advise you in such a personally challenging and difficult cultural environment. That said, we m...
#1 Go to LinkedIn. Find a bunch of group owners / managers for LinkedIn groups that are large and relevant. Talk to them. #2 Next identify important bloggers. Websites with high Alexa rankings, perhaps, and which cover entrepreneurship. Ask them about dropping a mention with a link. Also as...
Etsy is a platform for selling craft items like what you're describing. But let's step back. You say you're bored with school. OK: we all were. The question is, how can you inject some excitement into your life so that school becomes interesting? Any business is a challenge. First you have to f...
Two huge ones: > Confusing activity for results. Many older entrepreneurs haven't learned the lesson, either. You can 'be busy' into oblivion. > Confusing social interaction for prospecting and sales activity. Talking =/= Qualifying. You should not be trying to let "everyone" know you exist...
Forget 'self-promotion'. Stop focusing on your self and start focusing on others. Serve people you meet so powerfully that they never forget you for the rest of their life.
Carolyn's points are spot-on. Tactically speaking, I would suggest that you make contact with the recruiting partners at the top VCs. Greylock, a16z and others have partners specifically focused on helping their portfolio companies with recruiting. Cold calls and emails with a "I'm an entrepr...
I think as others have said, that idea itself may not be quite right and you are looking to us to brainstorm. However, I do know someone who does exactly this, for free. He makes his money by facilitating the ability of others to think outside their proverbial boxes, using what at the core, is ba...
The short answer is both. As an entrepreneur, 15 year seasoned professional sales consultant for 5 publically traded companies, and digital marketing strategist with Google's only global business partner, I can understand and respect the nature of your question. In the past, before the inter...