
Results for: Entrepreneurship

Great question! I believe that Hootsuite might be one of your best solutions. It is a free tool and you can publish through several social media platforms at once. For a free account, however, they limit you to 3 accounts I believe: There is also Buffer as we...


After founding one company on my own, and co-founding several others with teams, I've written and spoken extensively on this topic - it's an under-recognized risk and challenge of entrepreneurship. You can read one of my more popular articles at, but I'll summarize it he...


You should be so lucky that someone will steal your idea. The truth is that its all about execution and not ideas. Facebook wasn't the first social network, they just executed better. Same for Instagram, Yammer and Airbnb - all Billion dollar companies built in public.


I have two answers. It depends on whether you've picked a specific field (eg. oil & gas, or fisheries, or biotech.) If you haven't, then you need some technical skills and some sales skills. The sales skills are important because once you know how to sell, you'll be able to make money wherever ...


It’s easy to get bored when we feel stuck in a routine, same old habits, going about our lives on autopilot. To break out of that routine, we don’t always have to take huge leaps. One small step can be enough, doing one little thing a bit differently. Try taking a different route to work, going t...


The easiest way that will really hit you is, are you turning away business because you can't handle the load? If that is a yes, then you have to say, how much am I willing to pay a person to do the extra work? Lastly, the business you are turning away, is it enough for you to pay a person, an...


Hello: That first toehold in the market can be the toughest to get. Especially when you’re working two sides of the street. Validating your idea is essential, but that means you’re in a listening phase more than a selling phase. Don’t simply write a blind email or two and wait for a response. You...


Hi, Before giving you the practical tips, it is important to first point out 3 things: A) You should be 100% sure that you really need a co-founder (versus using a freelancer or employee which may be sufficient). B) Investors usually take a deep look into the team and prefer founders that have w...


Do it! I would love to support in any way possible! Not talking about getting paid for it, I would love to be a part of it. As a single dad for 3 boys, this is something I would like to see grow. Do it!


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