
Results for: Entrepreneurship

Absolutely! In fact, this is where many solopreneurs "max out". With the Internet, as long as you have a flow of traffic of interested prospects, you can keep converting and selling, right? There's no limit at the scale an individual can operate on to that flow. As a consultant, if that's what ...


First of all, you are not alone! Almost anyone with a successful business has left a trail of half-finished ideas and projects. Sometimes we realize we don't have the skills to execute our ideas, or we don't have the capital, the resources, whatever. Your question makes me think it's not that yo...


The answer comes down to: 1) Is your idea good enough: What you can offer that your competitors can't? 2) Is your team good enough: Does your team have the ability and drive to pull off the idea? The answers to those questions are impossible to even start to assess with the information provide...


You can start by personally emailing them and saying thanks. Doing something public without their permission isn’t cool. I send Direct Messages on Twitter, emails, all day thanking people.


High net-worth individuals familiar with the industry or credit cards. Visa can make an amazing investor, just be sure to ask for money when you don’t need it.


Don't ask yourself multiple questions. Ask a potential customer ONE question: "Will you give me $10 or 10 minutes to be on my early access list for a product XYZ that solves your pain ABC?" This tells you a few things: 1) Is there an identifiable customer and do you know what they look like and...


Read the book What Would Google Do?! Their business models peaked at the right times and their brand is sticky because the technologies work. They make the complicated world of information on internet simple to navigate. Like the Apple products, it is a tool that anyone can use and feel good...


It's never too early to bring in experienced people. At an early stage company you're operating with limited resources and you can't afford to waste time making other people's mistakes again. Bring in experienced people as soon as possible. If you think you can't afford them, try to find peopl...


2 thoughts (as I've invested in and been part if a few real estate development projects). 1 - ask around and try and find friends who know people in the industry and ask for an intro. Don't go in asking for money, ask for advice - it works way better. 2 - search on Clarity for people who live ...


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