
Results for: Entrepreneurship

- Peter Thiel was crucial for Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) - Ray Chambers for Jack Dorsey (Twitter) - Ken Allard and investors Ben Horowitz for Dennis Crowley (Foursquare) - Paul Graham and Partovi Brothersfor Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi (Dropbox founders) - Adam D'Angelo for Kevin Systrom (I...


The concept of having a directory to get advice has been around for years .. earliest occurance I can find is 1999 with (acquired by AT&T). In todays world, there's | + many many others. The key is community & liquidity. Marketplaces are...


Engagement matters most. Engagement is actually a function of great product and great distribution. Engagement is thought-of mostly as a product issue but in many cases, it also expresses itself as a distribution problem particularly where there is no possibility for a "single player" experien...


As a web designer, online visibility is incredibly important when it comes to branding globally. Depending on your business, a lot of your global business goals can be achieved by setting up an online business. You should register domains in the countries you'd like to market to, such as the US...


Instead of looking at who does what .. why not look at the things that need to get done for a small techology team. Product: 6 people - 3 full stack engineers - 2 front end developers - 1 designer / product person Marketing & Community, 1 person - Full time hire, or CEO Support & Operations, 1...


I think having a strong sense of determination is important and drive is important as well. There are plenty of successful entrepreneurs that left school simply because the education system wasn't right for them. I think this is a complex question, on one hand doing well in school can be helpful ...


Agreed. Pownce and FriendFeed were both hailed as Twitter competitors in the early days. In 2008 Twitter was consistently plagued by downtime as they had trouble scaling. However, the service was simple and easy to use and they did a great job getting early digital influencers and celebs onboard ...


This is a good one. I'd recommend reading The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen. It provides a lot of insight into how companies get so invested into what they've built that they have a tough time identifying if/when to adapt to emerging technologies, behaviors, and helps identify how...


Just because your startup didn’t or won’t succeed doesn’t mean it was a failure or you are. In the start up lifestyle you get to learn things that other individuals at larger corporations don’t. You understand what it is like to raise money, work with little to no money, and really pour your sou...


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