
Results for: Entrepreneurship

The first question I would ask back to you is how many clients you have currently. What is your retention rate? Your capture rate? From there you could develop a strategy to capture the next 5,000. If you haven't enlisted certain marketing channels or networks, you may be able to make a predictio...


The quickest path to cash is almost always consulting. Be very specific about what it is you can offer. Don't just offer "business consulting". Find a niche and serve it. Reach out to your network, including friends and family and ask if they need or know of anyone who might want to hear about w...


Have great conversations with qualified prospects. That's the simple answer. Do this enough times and you WILL get a client. Now the hard part: How do you get great conversations with qualified prospects? 1. Find a group of people who have a serious problem *they acknowledge they have* (that...


I think we are only in trouble is we do not ride the tech bubble for what it is worth and presents. The tech bubble success comes and goes. It blows up and then grows again. I believe there is no other cause than true internet marketing and social media. If people engage others in their social ...


I've been working with information products and online masterclasses for close to a decade now. You basically have a few options: 1. Host it yourself. 2. Host it on YouTube. 3. Host it on a MOOC, Udemy or something similar. The big differences between the 3 are pricing, control and setup. Pric...


Start providing knowledge services, write down areas you are best at and advertise your services probably against an hourly rate. You can use lots of freelancing sites to spot on jobs and projects and as you collect enough money, this will help you to restrategize and relaunch a successful ventur...


Regardless of your launch date - keep calm. Having a competitor or twenty is all but a certainty in our new business environment. It has never been easier to discover a problem, validate a solution, build a product and reach customers. But that goes for everyone. I'd urge you to consider a few...


Listen, don’t tell. Conduct it on their computer. Fix the issues after each test .. iterate like mad, especially when you’re small / trying to figure it out.


Set parameters based on life, not work. For example, commit to never miss a child's event or date lunch/dinner. Leave work at work. Take vacations without your smartphone, iPad and computer (something I struggle with!).


The opportunity to bring your creativity and insight to your business. Calling your own shots and realizing that it is all up to you. Being an entrepreneur is an opportunity to learn everyday!


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