
Results for: Entrepreneurship

Fantastic question! First, a little about me and why I am qualified to answer. My father served 19 years of a 20 year sentence in prison where he passed and I had challenging background. I never met my birth mother and met my birth father at the age of 18. I've been on my own since I was 16 an...


No. There is no way to build a billion dollar business without a management team. The founding team of a startup is a very significant part of the evaluation of any early-stage investor. Furthermore, regardless of the business of the app, there are critical business decisions and actions requi...


Follow these tips and help your envelope do its most important job: to get opened! CHECK CD/DVD WORKING: While sending the CD’s to companies, firstly you have to check while the CD is working properly or not Check the disc surface before recording, and after recording check while the CD is workin...


Truly educational and social impact projects are wonderful ways to impact on the society. recently, i did a project on MENTAL HEALTH ACTION PLAN with WHO under the International MUN platform as a volunteer and it was wonderful experience because i used social marketing strategies to move my proje...


It depends on how your going about marketing yourself. It will have no effect on organic SEO, however if you are marketing via TV or radio where people have to remember and then go to the computer and type it yes most people will falsely remember .com and not .net. The tradeoffs could be minimal...


There are a lot of different ecom/business niches that can be sold both as products and services or experiences. Some of the most common ones include: 1. Home and family services - This includes things like house cleaning, pet-sitting, and grocery deliveries. 2. Services for the creative indust...


I will never recommend you to stop ever. Stopping is not the solution, pivot also may not be the solution. All you need is to 'Focus' and little motivation. You thought it right, you need a mentor, a consultant or a guide who can identify your strengths and let you focus upon it. A daily dose of ...


Cost of customer acquisition will depend a lot on what type of course you're looking to sell and your target audience. No one will be able to give you a straight up answer here. If you're able to provide more details, I could give some more nuanced advice :)


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