
Results for: Entrepreneurship

First, I think you need to look at why no one showed up for your writing on Medium. Did you just publish and forget it? What's your view-to-read ratio? Are the people reading your articles engaging with it (or at least reading to the end)? Selling ebooks is about 5% writing and 95% marketing. I ...


Passion may open the door to excitement but skills make it an actively revolving door where value in service or product is exchanged for valuable currency. Skills can trump passion unless you're very skilled at what your passionate about. Some questions may want to be considered when considerin...


Free? Yes, slavery. I mean, you do still need to feed the slaves. And they might get sick, and you still feed them while they are not working. I know, such a bummer. Jokes aside, nothing comes for free in life and it's insulting to ask somebody to work for free.


One of the tried and true methods for finding a winning idea boils down to finding a common problem and providing or building a solution for it. Step 1: Find a specific demographic of people/businesses. (Ex: Accounting Firms in Chicago, Sushi Restaurants in California, Small Advertising Firms i...


Hi! Why don't you try starting "a" business before attempting to start a "chain" of businesses. I'd recommend a search around the keyword of "bootstrapping a business". There are many blogs out there that have great content on that such as


Can you promote without content? No. However it does not start with content either, it starts with 'strategy'. What exactly do you want to communicate, what you want your audience to expect in your blog, how you want to hook them, engage them, and participate in discussions. What are your strengt...


First off, I'm sorry to hear of your struggles. Secondly, I commend your diligence. As for which course of action to take... There is no silver bullet and while it may seem frustrating you may very well be right on the heels of success. You never know when it will take place in your life, but i...


I have 35+ startups in my background in multiple industries and multiple roles. There is good advice from others on finding a real problem you inherently know and build a service you and others would find valuable to use. If you do not have this idea (not one suggested by us), it could be the f...


I would need a little more info to help you. What current issue are you having selling your product?


If we go by the definition of real estate management, it is amazingly simple. The real estate management the business of managing land and buildings, including activities such as keeping buildings in good condition and organizing the renting of property, but going by the question, I believe that ...


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