There is no such thing as "a best place to pitch an angel". You fish bass where you find them...
Im an investor and advisor. As many people as you ask, you will get different answers. The best and most successful way to raise capital is to start with people you know, aka friends and family. If friends and family are insufficient as they often are, then you need to find angels. If you dont kn...
The first thing to understand is if they're looking to be a venture funded startup. Not all startups plan to raise money. If they have in the past, then issues equity is very standard and they should bring it up - if they havent, you can ask. If they aren't looking to raise capital, then having...
I like the way you framed this question. Staying calm, always leads to better decisions being made. The best way to maintain a "calm" state is to do your best to look at your business from a completely detached view. Having a talk with myself or anyone else well-reviewed on Clarity can bring n...
What you're asking is very complex and to me 2% to 4% seems like a terrible ROI. There is a lot of information that needs to be provided to determine how to structure the deal and if it's even a good deal. Are you getting equity (a part of the ownership of the company) for your investment? If yes...
I have helped more than 500 startups worldwide.I can help you in raising funds. Feel free to check the profile ratings. #Founded first startup in year 2001 - 18 years of business experience. #CEO of leading Startup Consulting Firm, # Investment Banker - Angel Investment, A Series for startups. ...
It sound to me that you will not be there for a long time. If the owner is not giving you any rights it is a clear sign.. Look like he/she needed a helping hand and that's what you did.. 1- This is not a fruitful relationship between you two and he is not committed to you.. You drove his busine...
That's great what you've done so far! I've raised over a million dollars specifically from angel investors. Raising money is usually a full time job. In order to get angel investment you need to put together a good pitch deck, practice your pitch and be prepared for good questions. Next you ...
The complexity of your situation is similar to multiple acquisitions I have encountered on both sides of the table in private and public transactions. In most situations involving private equity, it is doubtful if the additional cost of a private agent would generate a material gain given your m...
Basically, any money you put into the business with personal funds is a loan into the business to be paid back. Lets say you put in $10. At the end of the year you profit $100 dollars. That $100 goes back to you as owner, however only $90 of it is considered taxable money since the 10 is just a p...