
Results for: Film

This is a tricky question, because it's very difficult for a consultant or PR firm to get major press like this for a startup unless the startup has an amazing, innovative product, is doing something so incredible that it has to be talked about, or has a fantastic story behind it. A PR firm is ...


This is anecdotal and I don't have data to confirm but the legal industry is very traditional - disruptive and innovative products can be a tough sell. I think the most important question that you need to answer is do people need legal translations?


You will always be your best PR agency. Because if you can't sell yourself, then no one will be able to sell / market you. In my experience, when I start something with money as the focus I fail. However when I work to create something amazing for others, I win and win big. My advice is to fo...


Staff augmentation vs. project work in A&D are really two different companies. Another key segmentation is work that requires certification (NATO Clearance, secret clearance, Airbus/Boeing training, etc). On staff augmentation, a lot of young firms start off bringing in good ex-employees of the...


Dear Writer, thanks so much for taking the time to write this. To answer this a) I need the background on what you are trying to sell, e.g., are you a law firm and b) what your ultimate objectives are - eg., you write getting attention, what I mean with is it important to have this type of client...


Try Starting at the (Very) Top ; with (Very Senior) HR Officers. One of the Very First Things which I (Swiftly) Learnt about Empowering the Spouses of High Achievers in Medicine , Healthcare , Finance , Academia , Technology , Politics and Law (etc) , 'ab initio' , is that a Substantial Percenta...


I've been using UW for a few years. It is very useful but you have to be careful. Lot of unreliable people out there. Over the years, I've narrowed a couple of people I keep using. And have excluded others. Few things: 1- It's best to give clear instruction. I tend to build GSheet on what I need,...


Join an incubator program. Many of them have direct connects with media outlets and global news stations. If you are on the West Coast, I recommend, or 500 start ups.


The existing answers are good, and I agree with most of the price ranges that are mentioned. There is a huge range in rates and they are most affected by the region and the type of organization you are dealing with. For example, a small shop in E. Europe that is exceptional in Ruby and has prof...


Its really tough to mention the best. I have a long list of US/UK based M&A, PE and VC firms list with direct contact information of key personnel. If you are interested, I can send them over to you for quick research. Thanks


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