A few options: increase your prices, lower your costs and/or increase your volume. Sounds like you've got a low-margin growing business, but as you can see, it's not what you make, it's what you keep. A staff of six on a $300,000/annual budget doesn't leave much room for profit. You might want to...
Thanks for your inquiry. We should probably have a quick chat. I have a few questions to better understand your situation, like these (probably others too): Where are you located? Where is the company registered, domiciled? What are your intended financing activities? Where? Have you done a ro...
Hi. I am a former Officer of the regulatory body for capital markets within my country with more than a decade of experience in the field. As part of my job profile i have handled many instances of investor complaints such as yours. However in order to assist you further i require more specific d...
In my experience, and based on the way I coach my clients, creating a pricing model without first creating a business model is an indication of a poor strategy. That said, here are my thoughts based on the information you've provided: 1. You are incorrect about your assumption of "the less the...
I'm concerned that I don't see a back end to your funnel here. Looks like you only have small, medium, and large of one service. Rather than concentrating on discounts and discounting methodology, why don't you look at Cost of Customer Acquisition? If you knew that number, you'd know what you h...
Happy to sign a reasonable NDA and take a call.
In theory they could own the business as long as the profit of that business were used to further the non-profit work of the school. The bigger question would be whether the school actually owns the business or whether you as a separate non-profit were operating within the facilities of the sc...
I don't think there's a best practice, similar to how much you should charge for your B2B SaaS company, cause it really depends on the market size, cost to deliver, and perceived monetary value you're offering via your API. That being said, the way I've baselined any pricing for my products has ...
Hi! I hope you and your family are doing well. I'm not sure how much you may have to invest in a time or capital sense, but with this as long as you have the time you can pretty much get around not having to use any of your money or credit to pursue this opportunity. So it's called Wholesaling,...
Hi I know you need start up funding and your best bet is to borrow capital or to partner with someone. While there are advantages is getting yourself out there real fast, there are still some pros and cons. I would suggest the following: a) Sit down and do a business plan or a projection for the ...