A lot of the decision involved in this depends on the job functions and sometimes, the state you are located in. There are many legal issues surrounding hourly vs. salary. There is "salary-exempt" and "salary non-exempt". Exempt employees don't receive overtime pay; nonexempt employees do. The...
Hi- I am not familiar with the tax implications in Canada because I am located in America. However, if you were in the united states and you sold an asset there would be a tax implication there. Never the less, this would clear up any debt you have. Option 1 would be a good choice. As it relates ...
Since some new business owners get excited about revenue, instead of gross profit, it is always wise to show the difference. Let us consider as an example, that your business makes $10,000 (revenue) in revenue in one month, and has a cost of goods (or services rendered) of $7,000. This means th...
Wa alaikum assalam. In Islamic principles, working in a technical capacity for financial institutions such as Capitol One or Visa, as you mentioned, is generally permissible as long as the job responsibilities do not involve engaging in haram (forbidden) activities. Here are some key consideratio...
Are you looking to build a volunteer test group or get professional feedback on the actions of your beta testers?
Doing forecasting need to determine: 1) the sources of revenue and the revenue drivers 2) the classification of costs and the costs drivers 3) the nature of costs and their patterns Then you develop profit and loss + balance sheet + cash flows forecast. With the above basis, you can perform th...
Most Startups billed their own, but you could look at Magento (OpenSource), Netsuite (Enterprise) or some kind of Wufoo.com form with Stripe.com integration (Simple).
The answer really depends on many factors. You are correct that many SaaS companies valuation falls into the range of 3 to 9 times revenue. I would say that companies that have a very high net income % (25%+) would fall more to the range of 7x-9x and companies that are closer to breakeven or lo...
Let others do the heavy work: use a software solution. There are many out there, so start with exactly what you need to know (the information you need to have available comes first, then you determine what and how to track). Do some research on the available software and then call up a few compa...
Hi, what a great question. I can see that you're trying to figure out how to maximize the value of the business by putting yourself in the buyer's shoes. I've been evaluating small and medium sized business since 2009 and I've helped to sell hundreds of them. Check out www.HowToSellMyOwnBusine...