
Results for: Fitness

The key skill sets are determined by whom you are targeting for training. Customer acquisition channels will also be determined by whom you are targeting.


Definitely don't just look locally. There is a much, much larger global market. When you recruit, pay at least 3 people to do a trial task. Give them a fixed amount of time (eg 3 hours) and compare the results. Don't let people who interview well confuse you between people who produce great work.


Well done for reaching this stage - not an easy task. A few marketing options: 1. Give an incentive to your existing customers to promote your services. For example, you can offer them a once off discount or 1 month premium package for each customer they bring (it all depends on your services). ...


You answered your own question when you said "I built it for me, but feel that it has commercial viability for many others." Other than what you said, what problem did you design it to solve? Who are "many others"? What problem do they have? Why not cruise the Excel forums on the MS support s...


Make sure your long term strategy is tied into your short terms tactics. Tactic - method or technique to achieve a immediate short term gain, run ads, sales calls etc. Strategy- A carefully defined detailed plan to achieve a long term goal. The overall position you would like to achieve. So ...


Hi! First of all I recommend to make a pitch deck for yourself that completely describes your product, user needs, market and theirs validation and lay down money after you will be confident with that document on proof of concept (it will cost you much less then creating MVP). I'd be happy to ta...


There are a few key traits that people look for in a manager, and the reason an employer asks for experience is to try to ensure that the candidate has honed them. Those are: "Big picture" thinking - you need to be able to detach yourself from the details and see the overall aim of your project...


In case Godaddy does not offer you a bigger data transfer plan, you can move to Heroku. They let you choose how much efficient you want to configure your server


There are so many possibilities that come to mind, without knowing a lot more about what has lead you to this point, it is hard to offer any actionable advice. The first place I would start investigating is the top of your sales funnel. Are you getting students? Are they just not converting? Are...


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