Have a product that users / customer are using and continue to use. The goal is to derisk the opportunity for investors and the biggest risk is that you'll build something that nobody wants. Once you have that, then try and find a big enough market and opportunity that justifies a venture inves...
The answer depends primarily on two factors: 1) Do you have outside investors? 2) Do you have and/or could you obtain a legal release from the co-founder, and after this release, would the co-founder have less than 5% of the company? If you have outside investors in the existing corp and you wi...
An increasingly popular ideology among startups is to create strong partnerships with outsourced assets. I have recently done a lot of work in the speaking industry and they outsource everything basically running a virtual office. In short, my answer is yes, know what you do well and find othe...
This is personal opinion, more than an answer. You really needed to decide all this when you first set up the company. You needed to discuss with your partner how much money he was bringing to the table, and if not money the value of his contribution to the company. In the end CEO, COO, CT...
First to your question. No, unless there is a law in place, nothing is mandatory. That said, not liking your industry will make it more difficult to succeed. Those who love what they do will work harder and longer to achieve success. But success means different things to different people. Do yo...
There is a risk. At some point, you have to trust that the people you surround yourself with will not take your IP to a competitor. I doubt you will blindly add folks to your team without establishing a relationship with them first. This relationship is the basis upon which the trust is built. ...
Google company formation agencies in respective areas Contact them and get the requirements for registering your company and start the process If you dont have money and starting small you really need to register a off the shelf company just to be legal in the country. You can have your partners...
I have lost passion at least 100 times. It happens and the situation you find yourself in can make it challenging for you to care. I totally get that. If you are planning on getting out, I would try to position yourself so you have some time to regroup. If you are in a position to do so, I would...
Hello! Thank you for asking. My name is Humberto Valle, I'm an MBA strategist with years of successful experiences. I'm the guy new business owners call when they don't know what to do for growth. First off, without any further information I think that the net worth of the founder is irrelevant ...
A co-founder is a long-term relationships that should be built on trust, and passion, and time... time to fight, time to recover, time to build rapport. Ultimately, your co-founder shouldn't be based on *any* specific idea, because the two (or three?) of you could work on anything you are all pas...