
Results for: Founder

I have been working for startups as digital marketing for over 15 years. I would need to know more about your business to give a proper answer but depending on the product / service maybe you need to engage in sales or biz dev. In order to scale, you need to either add more offerings, get your ...


Sure, send me your website and i can give you a Feedback. You can also use Google PageSpeed Insights and Google Lighthouse, when you send me the website, make sure to explain what's the goal of the website, Awareness, Leads, Sign In, Sign into a newsletter, etc


Obviously that wouldn't hurt, and there are likely benefits to doing so. The thing to consider is will doing this save you time and make you a better leader or will it take time away from leading, growing and building a vision for the company? Only you can answer that. Being in a technical indus...


A good advisor can help a startup in various ways. Here I describe what I do: I work quite a bit with pre-angel/pre-seed/pre-accelerator US-based tech startups (or sometimes even executives/scientists/technologists in corporate jobs toying with a startup idea that they'd consider leaving their ...


I'm a feelance CFO and I work actively with early stage companies. I've been at this for almost 30 years. Some of my current and recent clients wrestle actively with this very questions. My advice is to have the tough conversations right up front, early in the team building process. This usually...


Number one way is talk to people in your network, they don't have to be in SV. You might be surprised who actually knows who, once you start asking. Outside of that you can try looking on platforms like and or use, hope this helps! Call me for more help!


You will find a lot of different views on equity split. I haven't found a silver bullet. My preference/experience is for: 1. Unequal shares because one person needs to be the ultimate decision maker (even if it's 1% difference). I have found that I have never had to use that card because we are ...


In this business environment, a “corporate buyer” will be looking at your net income and value you based on a multiple of such. For example if the company generated $500,000 but only earned $75,000, you may be looking at a value of $200-$300,000 from a corporate buyer. It also depends on whether ...


I've met co-founders and team members through participating in Startup Weekend evens. (The last two companies I sold were started at startup weekends!) But, I generally recommend participating in others groups or pitching different ideas than you're trying to find a co-founder for. Another grea...


You should check out cool apps like Weave, Shapr and Sites like FounderDating (getting some traction). Attend pitch evening or networking evenings and breakfasts where many such candidates might be attending looking for their next great challenge or advice. Try to look for meet ups that are in ...


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