
Results for: Freemium

It depends on a number of factors but I'd boil it down to two key things to start: 1) What is your real cost to provide a free plan or trial? 2) Who exactly is your customer and what are they used to paying and who and how do they pay today? When you say "online workforce marketplace" it sounds ...


Very interesting concept - I could see how parents would certainly gravitate towards a feature like this. So, freemium apps, models, features are quite common of course and people have grown accustomed to most applications or platforms at least offering a trial period (as you do.) But, if you w...


I'm in no position to advise on the cost of a Tinder-like app - having never used it myself. I can however share some thoughts on Freemium. Freemium is too often engaged because it is easy - not because it is right for the business. You'll still need to determine how'll you make money, even wi...


* What is the customer RoI? * How much do they save/earn per unit of use of your product/tool/service? * How many users do you have right now? * Are the free users likely to upgrade? * Are they needed to provide a different value (community, content, network, ...) to the paid users? * Are the f...


Hello, I will provide you feedback but know that is generally frowned upon to use this platform where people come with real frustrations and hurdles and use it for advertisement. You website has a lot of flaw, granted is a landing page, and it could be greatly improved. Quora is great not only b...


It really depends on whether this is ultimately a top-down or bottom-up approach and to what extent the end-user experience is compelling enough to act as a forcing function to enterprise adoption. A bottom-up distributed mobile app must be both viral and incredible engaging. Without proof that...


First of all great job on the traffic, 20,000 DAUs is really good. I have a lot of experience in the mobile game industry, specifically in Word, Card, and Casual titles. My answer is based on that experience. I have a few ideas on how you can monetize your website. I will put them in order of w...


I think at this stage there are a couple things to research 1) your audience and their behavior in trying new things 2) Test it out... it's really hard to tell unless you try it and see what works. Most companies are using the freemium approach only cuz it makes sense with their product/service b...


You have two questions. One is how to actually establish a price or pricing plans, the other are tactics most useful after pricing has been established. I think Laura provides some great tactics around pricing but as I read her answer, I think it addresses the tactics part less than the pricing...


B2C apps typically use a freemium model to make money off of in-app purchases and ad revenue. You could also make a paid monthly subscription model work in several categories, such as Newsstand. The challenge is finding the balance between giving enough functionality away for free so that your ap...


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