
Results for: Funding

Whenever shares (or options) are issued, the language is normally "fully-diluted shares"... and what that means is that you *authorize* the number of shares necessary for all potential [foreseeable] options to vest. You'll need to stop talking "%" and start talking in actual share numbers. Let'...


In my experience, what I've seen is that you should clarify right from the beginning that they should use it within a year (365 days). Also, you should work on to your strategy to bring clients back to the platform. What you want is to people to spend that money as soon as possible so they woul...


Hello! Thank you for asking. My name is Humberto Valle, I'm an MBA strategist with years of successful experiences. I'm the guy new business owners call when they don't know what to do for growth. First off, without any further information I think that the net worth of the founder is irrelevant ...


Depends. How much do you really need to build out your app? If you don't need investor money, better to avoid it. And how will you disrupt the space? I don't think there are any shortcuts to organizing.


The decision to raise equity capital would be made based on these criteria: (a) Size of your market: Is it a big market, meaning you have a chance to hit $100M in revenue in 5-8 years? (b) What is your YoY growth rate? (c) Will infusion of equity capital help you greatly accelerate your YoY growt...


I've spoken about what seed investors look for in founders here: I think you're going to have a really tough time raising money for this even *with* significant traction. It looks as though you are blatantly ripping-off Pinterest (even using "Repin") with an unsophist...


Have you watched Jonathan Fields' Good Life Project Maybe that'll get you some ideas and inspiration. I know Jonathan and could connect you. I may have some other ideas but would need more information to know if they'd be worth trying. Let's connect


First and foremost you need to look at all ways to fund your start-up not just outside investment. How far can you bootstrap your start-up and self fund? Are their ways to get your first clients to fund development for in return for free life-time use etc. If this is not possible then you move...


Not sure about the investment to be honest. It could be good for investors to check when you ask them for funds. I would do it, BUT I would hold on announcing a round of investment on AngelList until you have at least half of it. That's my advice, I hope it helps!


The short answer here is that this is very situational stuff and not necessarily something you can have completely planned out in advance. If you've already incorporated (c-corp) then you'll have authorized shares and issued shares (see


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