I'm a single founder who was raised angel and venture capital. If your business is compelling enough, you could raise angel funding. But there is little chance you can raise venture funding without a team in-place. It's a negative signal to institutional investors that you haven't been able to...
After looking over your site I think the answer might be staring you in the face. You have a ton of people and businesses on your site that can be monetized 100 different ways beyond selling ad space. Just to name a few off the top of my head. 1. Run a webinar selling a high ticket program fo...
You didn't provide much information about your startup. This I think is critical to properly answer this question. Be analytical however. Put yourself in the investors position and determine with each investor if they would entertain that idea, as you put it. If not, don't risk losing their inves...
1) Look up local universities and email the chairperson of whichever programs relate to the type of cofounder you need (i.e. electrical engineering, marketing, etc.). You could even possibly go there in person and put up a sign on a bulletin board. 2) There may be relevant Meetups in your area, ...
It sounds like you already have an MVP, awesome. Now you need some evidence that people want to pay for it. Make a landing page from your MVP which shows visitors its main exciting features. Have a link called 'Learn More', which leads to a form asking for user info (name, email, etc.). To make ...
Yes, thats understandable. If a person if giving you money on the spot, you have to rewards them on the spot for their risk. Their money is not convertible they are essentially exchanging their cash for ownership. Do you know what is a strategic investor? If so, I hope you mean someone who is i...
Crowdfunding is the best option to raise money from all around the world. I did this multiple times for my startups. There are several different options, you can start your research with Fundify, Seedinvest, etc. Look for Equity-based crowdfunding. Good Luck!
Convertible notes are by no means "earned." They are often easier to raise for early-stage companies who don't want to or can't raise an equity round. Equity rounds almost always require a simultaneous close of either the whole round or a defined "first close" representing a significant share o...
My company just went through this. There are several ways you can approach the problem: 1. Find a mentor. Who's the biggest kahuna in your space? Reach out to him or to her. Don't ask for money or intros to VCs. Just pose a good question and start a conversation. Experts love to be heard (how ...
I imagine a lot of it happens in private FB groups already. I'm a member of Dynamite Circle, which is a private community of location independent entrepreneurs http://www.tropicalmba.com/innercircle/