
Results for: Git

Simplest answer to your questions of why people aren't scheduling follow up calls later is because it takes time to implement new ideas, and by the time they have implemented them, they've either A) forgotten about their call with you. They've probably talked with many other people since then, ...


With all due respect, this seemingly simple question has a complex answer. Much akin to "How do I drive a car?" The most basic overview I can come up with goes like this: 1. Decide on a niche There are a million freelance website designers. What makes you different and how can you offer somethi...


Hi, I've spent my career in Business to Business sales. If you're not willing to make sales calls or deal with clients yourself, there are really only two options: 1. Create an interface for order taking and rely on marketing efforts. 2. Figure out a way to pay others to make the sales calls fo...


Interesting question, but I don't really see it as a "chicken and egg" type challenge. For a service startup business, you will still need an online presence. In the Lean Startup method we talk about MVP, the minimal viable product you can build to both test the waters and get paid. Why build a ...


What value do THEY get from subscribing to your newsletter? The answer should be: "lots of value, and I make it obvious to readers in language they care about." I've written two how-to books. In each, I point to a book-specific landing page with resources. For my first (on public speaking as a f...


Niche down. You are waaaay to broad in your target market right now. And please provide more information in your question: a single sentence is not enough to get a complete answer from an expert. > WHO are you planning to serve? > WHAT problem situation(s) are they in now that demand(s) your h...


Try Dun & Bradstreet ( to buy email addresses with one time fees instead of monthly subscriptions. I get them for free using an automated combination of tools that allows me to target specific people. If that's something you want, request a 15 minute call, which will be enough time for ...


Extremely difficult question to answer. It will mostly be justified by traction in a certain amount of time. If you receive a huge number of users in a year, this will add multiples to your valuation. On the flip side, if you are ten years in with steady growth, the multiples will not be as high...


Growing up from 1+subs to a team like you're saying is a classic problem in consulting. The financial math is not in your favor until you get a consistent team. Here's an article of mine detailing the issues and also detailing solutions:


Back when I started LinkedIn wasn't as huge as it is now. I wish it was. I didn't have a large network and those networking sessions NEVER brought me any clients. I used to go to all sorts of them hoping to get clients. There were a couple of nibbles here and there, but never anything serious. Th...


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