Depending on the age group your strategy should vary from international fairs or international catalogs great companies like sunwing or Catai are always looking to expand their reach! Strongly recommend real state corporations to publicise your product!
Hi: Sounds cool. Not clear on your target export markets, but some things to consider: 1. Identify your optimal customer and the problem you're resolving for that customer. Quality? Cost? Availability? 2. Research the pathways your product has to get into that optimal customer's hands. Wholesaler...
One thing you can not do (should not even attempt to do) is to change the market's demand for a service or product. It is what it is. The best strategy is to adapt. So I would approach your situation by asking the following question: What is in demand, needed, frequently used etc by the people (...
Hi , I think I can help you in Metatrader , If I have more Info about requirements for your strategy , From your question if I understand right you based on some entry signal you want to build multiple entry positions with different lots size till exposition of a trend and gradually close (exit) ...
In my experience there are a few things that you want to focus on with KPIs, prior to technology - if you have not already. 1. Validate that the calculations are consistent throughout the organization, regions etc. 2. Validate that the selected KPIs are truly indicators that will help drive succe...
great questions - we see this situation with our clients pretty frequently at my firm. based on my own years of SaaS/tech sales, marketing and project management experience, I would say the path most likely to get adoption is actually discovered before the demo is delivered, rather than after. ...
This has been done many times over. You can create an RSS feed from these sources, yes.
Hi there. No matter where you are; Kickstarter, gofundme or indiegogo are really good crowdfunding options Take care
Hello, hope you are doing well. If you do not have contact with any current employee, I would suggest trying linkedin, or the companies website. Try contacting the HR dept directly, a phone call would be the best, ask them to indicate where you can send your resume. You can also try calling a loc...
I'm reading a book called, "Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a Successful Startup" written by Bill Aulet. The 24 steps are broken down into six categories: 1: Who is your customer? 2: What can you do for your customer? 3: How does your customer acquire your product? 4: How do you make ...