Facebook groups especially those skewed towards health issues.
Well done for reaching this stage - not an easy task. A few marketing options: 1. Give an incentive to your existing customers to promote your services. For example, you can offer them a once off discount or 1 month premium package for each customer they bring (it all depends on your services). ...
You answered your own question when you said "I built it for me, but feel that it has commercial viability for many others." Other than what you said, what problem did you design it to solve? Who are "many others"? What problem do they have? Why not cruise the Excel forums on the MS support s...
Make sure your long term strategy is tied into your short terms tactics. Tactic - method or technique to achieve a immediate short term gain, run ads, sales calls etc. Strategy- A carefully defined detailed plan to achieve a long term goal. The overall position you would like to achieve. So ...
There are so many possibilities that come to mind, without knowing a lot more about what has lead you to this point, it is hard to offer any actionable advice. The first place I would start investigating is the top of your sales funnel. Are you getting students? Are they just not converting? Are...
Hello! You need to consider where UI and UX come in and why. Typically, by the time UI/UX is designed and then reviewed a range of activities must've taken place, e.g.: (1) Someone defined the proposition, product or service which the UI/UX is supposed to satisfy. (2) Someone created a project a...
Use marketing as a means to gather more data and test. Marketing is one of the most underrated and undervalued skills in startups. Startups don't struggle with competition but getting attention. Marketing drives more data into the product, thus you can validate your theories. Pre-product mark...
I'd be happy to speak w/ you on a call and share some meaningful insight. Thanks.
I owned an SMB in the health & fitness space and spent several years running a SaaS/PaaS startup in the business productivity space. There are lots of WP developers out there, I'd start by looking at elance. Have you done mockups so the developer can accurately quote the work? It's worth a lit...
I recently started my own fitness based company, tailored to athletes, and I've been an athlete in organized sport for 14 years. It really depends on what you're looking to work on. For example, if you want to gain mass, you're going to need access to weights. If you're strictly looking to do ca...