There are a few key traits that people look for in a manager, and the reason an employer asks for experience is to try to ensure that the candidate has honed them. Those are: "Big picture" thinking - you need to be able to detach yourself from the details and see the overall aim of your project...
In case Godaddy does not offer you a bigger data transfer plan, you can move to Heroku. They let you choose how much efficient you want to configure your server
Online coaching is a great space right now, and I'm glad to see someone with real-world coaching experience making the shift. The agency I started worked primarily in the fitness industry, and I helped plan, market, design, and build over 300 websites for personal trainers, gyms, and online coa...
Backwards. I'd make sure that person didn't stay in the company. "One dirty fish muddies the whole pond" It's not personal or malicious - they're just not the right fit. A great skill set, while very important is always secondary to cultural fit if you really want your company to flourish.
Before you do any surveys, I'd strongly recommend talking to 5-7 prospective customers first - either in person or on a phone/video call. During that, I'd ask questions to learn what you're competing against - what other educational toys would they consider instead of yours? What would yours ne...
The best option will be patient who are recently discharged from hospital.Contact any hospital for list of recently discharge patient and help them to use and provide feed back .
I'm not a .COM purist. In fact I own quite a few .ME domains and have sold half a dozen of them or so. However, building a business or brand on a non-.COM extension like .ME requires some additional analysis. It's impossible to advise you on which name / domain to choose in the absence of the ...
Quick answer on this one: talk with somebody who has already succeeded in this field (built similar product or company). He/she will be able to quickly get you on track and avoid common pitfalls of your industry. If this person can't help you 100%, he/she will certainly be able to point you other...
Hi, What you're contemplating is a licensing model. It's like 'franchise lite.' There are several questions you need to answer for yourself before you go recruiting any licensees. For example, are there any business systems that will come with the franchise in addition to the brand name? How...
Hello. I help increase sales through customer success. This mainly envisages sales, marketing, business strategy, and ensuring customer ROI. PR or influencer marketing is nothing in itself but part of a business plan. Where do you and your business want to go? What are the gaps? This should i...