
Results for: Global Marketing

There's a lot of money to be made in the luxury space, but you need to bring something unique to the marketplace. That means studying BEYOND that just what you learn in school.


There are many things to consider, and nobody can advise you on everything. 1 thing I would emphasize is this: Brand names outside China are VERY different from website or company names inside China. In order to communicate effectively with a global audience, you should be careful to choose th...


Statista is a good source. For example, one of their reports states that for global internet users, the largest percentage people of who have made online purchases (58 %) were in the fashion-related category. Here's a good start on all ecommerce stats for apparel.


Hi, Good luck with you venture! You basically have two options. Funded vs. bootstrapped mode. Assuming you are not going to look for investment for this particular project, your other option is to bootstrap. Bootstrapping is becoming more and more popular nowadays, since it lets you gauge the r...


This product is very interesting. I would love to learn more. I am Arizona based Strategy professional, as in I am an actual graduated strategy professional, not just a self touting one. I honestly, don't see any difference in what you are selling whether is white label or not. I know there is a...


Revenue alone will not depict the traction. US is a huge market and highly competitive environment for business exists there. A detailed analysis is required to recommend the appropriate amount of funds required. I would encourage you to set up a call with me to do it professionally.


Using their logo implies that they are truly partners / customers of yours. Is this the case? It not, it is grossly misleading. Otherwise, I would check with them, out of courtesy. They may not want their competitors knowing what software services they use. I don't believe you are legally obli...


There are a few ways you can go about doing this. The first way is to get your business into trade shows and do some old school marketing. More exposure for your company only increases your chances of getting in with a big company. Ideally there will be a buyer for home depot. In case you did not...


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