
Results for: Google AdWords

Let's take the example of a single keyword, which we aren't sure how it'll perform. We'll need to make a few more assumptions to get started. Hopefully, you can produce these based on similar activity in the account, or on your site. You'll need an Average Order Value assumption first. If y...


Through defining that niche community, testing variations of wording that would speak to problems/benefits you can either solve or provide and running said wording as ads with clear selection variables (ie age etc)


I'd suggest that "best" depends on who you're targeting and what your conversion goals are. Have a look at Facebook ads, I've had better performance there recently.


This is what you're after - does exactly what you want


Probably the training from Google for the Google Partners Exam heres a link to more information:


I have no experience with this but my initial thinking is that you might have a setting that needs to be set correctly so you might want to double check all the settings and options. The reason I feel like this might be the case is because I would think most terms would provide at least some typ...


It is a pretty good chance Google won't accelerate anything for you and provide you with better help. They are just too big and their priorities lie with far much bigger initiatives. You might have luck if you find an Adsense employee via LinkedIn and establish a connection that way! but I wouldn...


Make sure you've setup advanced analytics. You'll get a better picture of which conversions were direct, and which ones were assisted by another channel. Use tags and make sure your urls include all the detailed parameters - note that savvy users might truncate that link, so use a link shortener ...


You can approve your AdSense by compliting the minimum number of visitor people in a day and this is done by posting about your game on social media that is mostly used. Thank you Any other questions please ask.


First of all I am going to assume you meant a CPC of $ 15 and not $ 1.5 because the latter would make you ROAS positive at a 5% conversion with $ 64. My second assumption is that a CR of 5-7% is your average CR and not for this keyword because at $ 15 / click you would not have enough clicks to ...


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