Startups are, by definition, "temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.” (as reported by Steve Blank). The main bits differentiating startups from mature companies are: * Narrow target - startups always start small, focusing on a narrow niche/subset...
Why are you adamant about press releases? They are by far the worst conversion rates {unless you're a household name like the post or fool} for businesses. For our evens we do sometimes send out PRs but locally only and to those writers we know. Which is key. Also making it easy for them to p...
I'm answering your question assuming that you hope to be able to replicate it's own success in your own mobile app. There are a couple of factors responsible for it's growth that are instructive to anyone building a mobile app. "Leveraging the intimacy and privacy of the mobile phone." We now...
That is perfectly normal and really just fine. Creating a company, growing a company and maintaining a company are three different jobs and the best fit is rarely the same person. Now that your creation has matured, it may be time for you to hand it over to someone else who will protect your in...
The core underlying factor for this is that platforms and behaviors took hold which did two crucial things for commerce, communication, and entertainment driven companies. The first was provide a graph to leverage for quick scale, Zynga on Facebook being the best example. Many others were able to...
Inbound marketing is currently the greatest ROI method of generating demand for your offering. This really boils down to putting out high authority content through Search and Social channels so you can start to engage with prospects and steer them inwards to your automation system. From there ...
Firstly - it is not always about spending a fortune on marketing and advertising. It is more about laws of physics than math. If you can put enough force into things that all increase the energy of that force - meaning, doing less isolated efforts of marketing but more integrated approach. Look ...
Either find a partner with money to help you out or use services like If it was me, I would first learn everything I need to know about launching a transactional website (if you are able to sell your product online and ship it ). Websites like make it possible for a...
Hi, I'm Rodger Stephens, and I'm a business performance expert, growing businesses for the last 25+ years. Here's a few suggestions to help your business to grow...the method is simple, but unchangeable... 1) Find out what $$ you can allocate to bringing in new members. Having $100k in revenues ...
Super easy! You already know the answer to this. A simple growth hack that should get you more than 100users is by either creating or joining a meetup or group with these interests. Give them some swag (tees/stickers) If possible add gamification to your efforts and watch your user base grow ;)...