First let me start by saying that is impossible to guarantee any certain percentage in growth. Growth hacking is about viability, not traditional marketing alone if at all (depending on your GHacker) When it comes to growth hacking, the GHacker is responsible to helping tweak all parts of the ...
If you haven't already have a co-host organization or have sponsor that adds to the guest list to grow both networks. Engage a charity to co-host that would benefit in some way plus you reach their audience. Put referral program in place - bring a friend get something in exchange.
you are on the right track mate, i have been working with apps for over 4 years, and only recently been working with paid advertising - there is a lot you can do for free marketing - just google it, and keep trying and learning - this is great learning tool for understanding the entire App marke...
Why are you adamant about press releases? They are by far the worst conversion rates {unless you're a household name like the post or fool} for businesses. For our evens we do sometimes send out PRs but locally only and to those writers we know. Which is key. Also making it easy for them to p...
Either find a partner with money to help you out or use services like If it was me, I would first learn everything I need to know about launching a transactional website (if you are able to sell your product online and ship it ). Websites like make it possible for a...
Great question - local marketing is absolutely essential nowadays. Especially as few people are navigating social media looking for tooth whitening services, these will become more profitable than online over time. Here's a quick list of tools I suggest using to bolster your current social medi...
Hey Slava! I actually have a ton of experience with this. For the last year myself and my partners have built out Rocketlaunch ( to a growth agency focused on marketing and sales for Startups. We work on core items internally and outsource when possible. My caveat on outsou...
Thank you for posting your question. I took a look at the site and to be honest, it was difficult for me to understand the problem you solve. I started scrolling through your site to get a better idea, which is not a good indicator. I would make it extremely clear about what you do and what pro...
You should have a proof metric - market traction, market proof, proof that they are not wasting their time on your site with half-baked ideas. You should also have some way to show that there has investigation and transparency into the crowdfunders. Try a group with vetting services like http://c...
Personally, I think you should be focusing heavily on your current users that are loyal to your brand currently and worry less on trying to buy users and get more brand awareness. To be frank you should be letting your strongest customers do all the promotion for you organically. "K-factor" This ...