
Results for: Hiring

Hi! My clients have successfully hired VA's through Linkedin by submitting a 3 steps hiring process with a pre-qualification and assessment build in. Also, when people continue to leave your company, I usually look into how clear is the direction of the company, is there a concise mission and v...


Hello, my first question to you would be - why podcasts? Did you get on that because they were the easier to get started with or did you have a strategic reason for focusing on podcasts firsts? With that said, your product is not a straight forward promotional material - meaning you can't just ...


I don't see a public documentation for their API or payment interface so it is unknown at this moment if this Zelle system could work with WooCommerce or any other eCommerce platform. Try contacting their support.


I've been a freelancer/contractor/solopreneur since 1974. My advice... Do freelance. Don't work for one company. In other words, have many clients. Be sure to arrange your hourly/ad-hoc work so it drives to some form of continuity. Work hard, till you have your first $10K/month of continuity...


What are some of the things users are saying that show you it's hard for them to understand the system? Do you have any consistency in areas where people are having trouble? Are you using any tools to track conversion rates through your funnel, and have those metrics gotten worse since your redes...


I read your story and I feel your pain, but I have bad news. The problem is not your people, the problem is you. You have a responsibility that goes way beyond developing great products that wow customers; you have the responsibility of leading! Leadership is one of those subjects that most peop...


The best ones that I have used are as follows: O-Desk: This is good for more complex tasks that are still relatively cheap to implement. Fiverr: These are small jobs that cost $5 bucks per gig. Good to get small stuff done fast. I hate to say ...


The standard procedure is to sign a mutual non-disclosure agreement with whoever you are disclosing your idea to, before you hire the firm. Once your product is built or is in the process, you have the option to patent or copyright it. Here's my article that gives the complete details on both:...


The easiest way that will really hit you is, are you turning away business because you can't handle the load? If that is a yes, then you have to say, how much am I willing to pay a person to do the extra work? Lastly, the business you are turning away, is it enough for you to pay a person, an...


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