
Results for: Human Resource Development

A great structure is having an internal champion present on each team, unit, office, etc. that can easily provide answers to benefit questions. This structure is particularly important if the company is spread across several locations without HR on the ground in each locale. On the more proacti...


Hi: Not sure how well you know the market you're targeting, but to best know what you need in a partner, get a strong handle on what the target market needs. Who is your ideal customer? What pain points does she or he have? What is your solution to those pain points? Is it unique (so you need to ...


This depends upon where you are in the start-up continuum. If you are still in search of a viable business model (i.e. the start-up phase) then the "multiple hats" scenario is spot on. In this phase the key is to discover that which is repeatable and scalable. In other words - to put your energy...


The easiest way that will really hit you is, are you turning away business because you can't handle the load? If that is a yes, then you have to say, how much am I willing to pay a person to do the extra work? Lastly, the business you are turning away, is it enough for you to pay a person, an...


I used to design and manage complex business processes in the large BPO industry, I'm a fan of efficiency. After I left the industry I bought an offshore service based software development and digital marketing company that was probably pretty similar to yours. Fundamentally the best answer com...


Being as collaborative as you can be is a good start. Outside of that, being honest and transparent about why the changes are happening is a good way to build trust with the new team. Keeping a positive attitude and energy around it will also help to soften the blow. Most importantly, continually...


You already said it: "He isn't interested in salary as much as equity." If this developer is any bit worth his salt, he is worth the equity. A smaller piece of a bigger pie is far more valuable than a big piece of a small (or worthless) pie. Profit sharing is a red flag to me that just sounds "...


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