The easiest way that will really hit you is, are you turning away business because you can't handle the load? If that is a yes, then you have to say, how much am I willing to pay a person to do the extra work? Lastly, the business you are turning away, is it enough for you to pay a person, an...
You must do your SWOT Analysis first. if you provide quality product/service at affordable price, people will really appreciate that and then you will realize the power of Word of mouth marketing. Best wishes.
I would be curious to know why you feel it is important to use personality testing. I have hired over 20 sales reps and I have never used any testing. I have conversations with my hires because that is going to tell me more about their personality any day than a test. Plus you might eliminate som...
Hi! My clients have successfully hired VA's through Linkedin by submitting a 3 steps hiring process with a pre-qualification and assessment build in. Also, when people continue to leave your company, I usually look into how clear is the direction of the company, is there a concise mission and v...
Some of this is stage dependent and all of it is highly dependent on the team above the product manager. The simplest answer of course is to find PM's from companies who have had exemplary success where the Product Manager candidate either led prior success or was exposed to it in a meaningful ...
"What was the best part of you day?" Ideally you could ask in the afternoon .. but it sets a positive intention. I ask this to all my friends + wife everyday when I see them.
You already said it: "He isn't interested in salary as much as equity." If this developer is any bit worth his salt, he is worth the equity. A smaller piece of a bigger pie is far more valuable than a big piece of a small (or worthless) pie. Profit sharing is a red flag to me that just sounds "...
That degree if churn is highly indicative of poor employee morale which could be caused by a variety of factors must is most often due to a bad manager or general leadership issues. Have you tried an anonymous survey or any other means by which to uncover your blind spots? Happy to talk through...
"What recent work activities have been most fulfilling for you, what has gotten you excited or "lit up"? This question leads into the territory of Culture and Mission. It'll underpin the dialogue to evolve an explicit Mission from the bottom up, and will also serve as a filter for employees to ...
Absolutely. And it is easy as your imagination.You can create it to fit your culture. That said, I believe that the biggest incentive is to tie compensation to the profitability of the unit. 1) Be sure to include everyone who touches outcomes. 2) Create a profit share by deciding how much you w...