Hello! This is a great question, alimena many new self-employed or entrepreneurs face. When I started consulting 10 years ago i started mentoring people in this exact situation - you know you're good, but you feel like your skillsets are diverse and you obviously want to do something productive t...
You ask the customers, and gauge their level of interest. Better yet, get yourself in front of some customers, and instead of telling them what you make or do, ask them what they need. When you notice that many of them need the same thing, and if it is something you can make or provide, you then ...
There are many forums and places where Amazon sellers congregate online, if you can find where these audiences congregate then this could be a way to approach them. If you have found niches is there any reason you wouldn't want to develop an online presence yourself? Platforms such as Amazon, e...
The simple answer is: good developers get paid. You have a few options that each come with different risks. 1. Find a development agency looking for equity projects. There are more out there than you would expect but be prepared to show them all the details. They are going to want to see that...
Hi First of all, the fact that you are talking about market validation is great. I've seen so many startups invest time and money, only to find that no ones wants/needs their product, or that they only want a certain aspect of it, or they aren't willing to pay the requested price. So you're alrea...
Samples are traditionally 100+ people. Can you get 100 customers? How many customers (users too) do you have participating on the idea? Once you've shared it past friends and family, strangers are interested in what you're doing I believe that is all that is needed for a product/service to be ...
here is my simple advice which should save you a lot of time and money. your journey should start identifying whether or not you have a problem worth solving. Most of your issues, assumptions, solution you put forward is irrelevant until you have done this. Don't get me wrong, your idea is sound...
You can make it entity based. For example , brand it for an elite group usage. You can also make it server based, where entities , like universities, clubs or companies, can use it for their internal network to reach each others.
Simple answer. Yes. Do less. Kick ass at the things you do. I too was very much a doer of everything when I started out, and learned the painful way that one of the most successful traits I see across the successful entrepreneurs I meet daily is FOCUS. Try to start with the big questions. What ...
I'd suggest doing three things to narrow down the field: 1.Try to sketch the business model for the startup idea http://businessmodelgeneration.com/canvas 2.Get good at doing quick and dirty market sizing of opportunities 3.Check if you are passionate enough about the idea to potentially spend...