
Results for: Ideas Development

Because you are still in the idea stage, the first thing you'll want to do is ensure that you have product/service-solution fit. You need to validate that your service solves a real problem and that there's a big enough market to develop a successful business around it. I recommend conducting r...


Funny I actually started a project *JUST FOR THIS PURPOSE* called It got overloaded and crashed my server so the database is currently down, but I am moving it over to a install right now and will let you know as soon as it is back up. Cheers!


Q: How to build a dream house when you are not a builder? A: Talk to an architect ... or a foreman ... or someone who has built a house like the one you envision. If you're not sure what kind of scope your web project requires, that's fine. At least, begin by talking to a software developer or...


Pre-orders are always great for testing demand, eliciting end-user feedback and even generating a little revenue! You just have to be sure that you can fulfill whatever product or service the customer is paying for, beta or otherwise. Relative to b2b vs. b2c, I can't really speak to that based on...


Here are your options: You can only compete with them If you're able to either: A) Get a programmer: - Either raise necessary funds to hire one full time. See my answer on ("When is the right moment to approach investors?") - Use your own funds to hire a freelancer. See my answer on ("How do I ...


A whole lot more data is needed before anyone can answer this question. "Some people want it"...have you identified a target market? Are there similarities in these people? How many? Did they tell you what they'd pay for it? Why didn't they pay you for it already (before you wonder about this, p...


There are lots of great companies that make a profit while helping others. Many times, these companies are formatted as a pair of companies. For example: 'Helpco is a not-for profit corporation that does X and donates proceeds of it's activities to Y.' What is not part of the headline is that ...


It’s an interesting concept and the next step is to qualify it further with some market research. Where will you find your potential customers for services? My initial assumption would be in a relatively dense urban setting where people want to commute to work or school by biking, or otherwise ...


After looking at your site, I definitely belive that you have something that is extremely valuable and can definitely be popular in tech communities. Yes, your copy needs to be more focused. What is it? I would have a landing page (or a cover page) that makes it really simple for a visitor to und...


Do you have a contract with them that expressly states 1) who the ideas belong to, 2) establish the timeline or expectations of the project, 3) when the working relationship is concluded? It is not unethical to work with one firm to produce one part of a project, and another to implement or take...


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