Google has placed importance on responsive design because it improves user experience and therefore more users visit the site and stay on the site longer. In turn this raises the sites ranking in Google. Your site content still needs to be good for you to rank in Google. Making a poorly ranking s...
Laws regarding import/export in targeted country Where you will incorporate (is a new entity needed or can the business continue to run under the current entity). Taxation issues (if any, for instance VAT). There is not enough detail provided to answer further, this is just a starting point a...
Strong and bold branding. Make it a prduct to flaunt.
The "important attributes" of any product are typically determined by your target market and vary significantly, but broadly speaking "ease of use" for the customer could be added to your list.
It seems you're asking two different questions: 1. What is the importance of demographics? 2. What are the pain points in building facial recognition into a retail transaction? To answer the first, demographics inform what products are being sold, who gets what promotion, what to start and st...
That really depends on the product. If the aim of your product is to work in third world countries with poor access to technology and internet then you should build something as basic and all supporting as possible. If you're building something without a social edge and it's about monetising fr...
Don't start with the KPIs, start with the responsibilities. Think of everybody in your business and list out what your performance expectations are of each person. Then determine how you will know if those expectations have been met: what are the outcomes you will track for each. Those are you...
Wow, I'm not really surprised no one has responded to this question. I mean no offense, but your question is full or jargon and is hard to follow the real problem statement. My first confusion comes your multi-identical professional? I have worked with many startups, some well funded, I have rai...
There is a difference between your product being open source versus the tech stack you use to build it being open source. You use email to conduct your business, and that's based on an open standard! Whoever told you it's "absolutely imperative" that you use Rails instead of an "open" language l...
To directly answer your question, different products have different requirements and are subject to different regulations. And each product and product category should be evaluated individually. You can check the government link for some related info.