
Results for: Information Security

If you feel that Clarity isn’t secure enough for your needs, you’re welcome to use another platform. Also, if you have something that’s extremely private, your welcome to use another platform. Clarity is a great platform with great customer support. I’ve needed them numerous times and they’ve al...


There are many security standards you can "certify" your datacenter with, such as NIST or ISO. You can read more about them here: In addition there are some SSL and Antivirus vendors who provide "security badges" that can be embedded to your...


Well if you built the app then I would suggest add a means to allow the community to flag inappropriate messages, then start banning the responsible users.


When you publish information about someone without permission, you potentially expose yourself to legal liability even if your portrayal is factually accurate. Most states have laws limiting your ability to publish private facts about someone and recognizing an individual's right to stop you from...


reCAPTCHA, developed by Google, is commonly used as a free service to protect websites from spam and abuse. While it's difficult to provide specific information about complaints or dissatisfaction points from individuals using reCAPTCHA on a paid basis (as it is primarily offered as a free servic...


Denial of Service protection is a key component of your perimeter defense along with your firewall, intrusion detection/prevention and continuous monitoring. There are several managed service providers that you can choose from. The first vendor you should contact is your Internet Service Provide...


In a word: Forensics. Computer forensics is the art of examining a system and determining what happened upon it previously. The examination of file and memory artifacts, especially file timelines, can paint a very clear picture of what the attacker did, when they did it, and what they took. Jus...


Having worked a consultant with global consulting firms and served over fifty of the Fortune 500 companies, I have been a consultant for over 15 years. Although the type of work will vary, consultants need to know why they are being hired. What does your client expect from you? If consultants ar...


The SEC is tasked to monitor, and punish if necessary illegal acts committed by trading in securities. They are the "Watch Dog" of Wall Street. Unfortunately, there are not enough skilled employees, and funds to really do their job, so a lot of unlawful acts slip through the cracks. The SEC ...


If you're using source control, it's easy to track source and control access — or revoke access — if someone leaves the company. Also, your developers should have signed a contract about the project itself that clearly places the source code under your/the client's/the company's control, and if...


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